ADA Closures and Flex Stopper

flex stopper stack
ADA-Compliant Door Operation with the Flex Stopper

The difference between opening and closing forces in self-closing doors is a consideration when chosing the best door stop for your needs. Opening force is the energy required to push a door open, while closing force is the energy needed to bring the door to a close. ADA regulation sets the standard maximum opening force at 5 pounds for compliant interior doors. This results in a closing force to be around 3 pounds of pressure.

Unlike conventional door stops, the Flex Stopper is designed to bend, roll, and flex in multiple configurations for holding open any self-closing door. Its durability ensures long-lasting performance, while its flexibility accommodates the nuances of various door systems. 

While ADA standards specify a 5 pounds opening force for compliant interior doors, the situation shifts for exterior doors. Local building codes come into play, and the Flex Stopper adapts to varying closing forces. Whether it's wind, HVAC stack pressure, or specific door features, the Flex Stopper ensures that ADA self-closing doors remain reliably open when needed, overcoming challenges associated with unreliable door stops.

Stop Your Door

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out"
Let Flex Stopper keep your doors open in these locations and more.

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